Sharon Weiss is a nationally known behavioral consultant in private practice in Northern Virginia. Her areas of expertise include parent and staff training in behavior management and crisis intervention. She has worked as a teacher of special needs children, program coordinator and supervisor of behavioral intervention programs for behavior disordered children. Known for her practical ideas presented with great humor, Sharon speaks nationally and internationally. She consults to private and public schools, has been on the faculty for courses for the American Academy of Pediatrics, has taught college level courses on behavior management and provides technical assistance to area professionals.
Sharon is a member of the Board of Directors of Phillips Programs, C.H.A.D.D. and the National Center for Gender Issues and AD/HD.
She is co-author of the books "From Chaos to Calm: Effective Parenting of Challenging Children with ADHD and Other Behavioral Problems" and “Angry Children, Worried Parents: Seven Steps to Help Families Manage Anger”. In addition she co-authored and is featured in the video "Managing Oppositional Youth".
All children are challenging some of the time. And most parents want a few tips for those difficult situations. When kids are especially challenging because they suffer from ADHD, OCD, depression, or other disorders that affect day-to-day behavior - chaos can reign. Through three points of view - the therapist's, the parent's, and the child's - this thoroughly practical book offers both that everyday support as well as help for more challenging children. With a handy "solution finder" and dozens of step-by-step techniques, this book can help you slow down, breathe easy, and respond to problems with calm - and end the chaos.
This book can help parents -
those that are challenged by the situation and those with challenging children.
Click here to read more about From Chaos to Calm
Anger is a natural human emotion, one of many responses individuals can express when they are prevented from reaching their goals. Given that anger is an emotion expressed by all human beings, it seems logical to conclude that there is nothing wrong with feeling angry. The problem occurs when anger either consciously or unconsciously leads to inappropriate actions or behavior . The problem, then, is not being angry but choosing to deal with angry feelings in an ineffective way. How do you respond when you’re angry? How did your parents respond when you were a child? Did they punish you when you expressed anger? Did they shame or blame you? Do you have a tough time dealing with anger because your parents didn’t know how to deal with it? Childhood experiences powerfully influence the way parents express anger and teach their children to manage anger.
Click here to read more about Angry Children, Worried Parents

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